n. 阿克尔(埃及神话中的地平线神);(美、挪、土、加、瑞典)阿克尔(人名)
New York has its South Street Seaport, San Francisco its Fisherman's Wharf and Oslo has Aker Brygge.
Through this experience, Aker Solutions has established an excellent reputation in Chinas engineering construction market.
通过这些经验,Aker Solutions在中国的设计施工市场上已经建立起了良好的声誉。
The plant, developed by Aker Clean Carbon, will enable them to assess the effectiveness of chemicals, known as amines, at removing CO2.
而这个由阿克清洁碳公司(Aker Clean Carbon)开发的装置将能够有效地利用这种名为胺的化学物质来清除二氧化碳。